Having a good forecast is often enough to motivate me to get through hard(er) days.
This past weekend, I was able to spend a few quality times with my son, Aiden. He is almost four and a half years old right now. I really love this age. He is a sweet, sweet kid.
I took him out to the Harlem Globetrotters on Saturday evening, then swimming on Sunday. I am really going to enjoy doing so many things with him this summer.
In Training: I had a needed day off and have been able to swim a little more. My bike and runs feel strong and my stroke is feeling stronger by the session. Even though I am not swimming big workouts, I am consistent.
Weekly Totals:
Swim: 5,650 yds
Bike: 604 TSS - 7.5+ hours all on trainer
Run: 31.2 miles
Aiden showed us what he is working on at his Montessori school on Thursday evening.
Our group of IPA Endurance athletes out at pear izumi
He was laughing for hours straight at the Harlem Globetrotters. The kid likes to laugh and he loves sports. It was a good combo.
The game started at 7:30 - His usual bedtime. He was a trooper and was two minutes from passing out in the car in this picture.
Oreo cookie mouth before I took him to swim on Sunday