The day started with a 5 mile run on the hotel treadmill again. I normally would not run this close to the race, but because of the broken foot, I am left with a sore/stiff foot when I don't run on it. Running breaks up the tissue on the top of my foot and actually makes walking a bit more comfortable. I am still very hopeful that it will hold up for the 26.2 mile last leg on Saturday.
Got off of the rabbit wheel at about 6:45 and headed out to meet everybody for the "underpants run." For many people reading this, the underpants run is a pretty essential part of race week here in Kona. 1000's of people basically get together and run in speedos/underwear for a little more than a mile. We all essentially make fun of ourselves. This year was great though - Aiden ran the whole thing by himself and was one of the youngest, if not the youngest little dude out there. He ran the thing in his shark underwear.
Came back to the hotel for yet another killer breakfast and took a nice little nap. Headed down to meet my parents by the pool and for a little swim with Aiden. Aiden is an absolute machine in the water - I sat on the side of the pool while he jumped in and swam to the side over and over and over. Best 2+ year old I have ever seen in the water. Before I headed up, I took him over to the "big slide" and pushed him down by himself. He was very scared. Sorry bud - I'll go down it with you next time. Maybe.
Had a massage at 3 again to work out any last minute issues, then came back for a beer before heading up to Sam Choy's again for some dinner. I've had Poké every night and have been loving it.
Hit the bed hard and feel pretty okay about that. One more day before it's finally on.
Pictures are in reverse chronological order for some reason today
Sunset from dinner
This is how all of the hotel room looks right now. Absolute disaster area
Mommy and Aden sporting some nice underwear for the run
Post run. It was hot and the kid needed to rehydrate indeed.
Beth was able to get much of an assignment for grad school done
Beer/wine chill before heading up for food
Aquatic monster Aiden
Elvis came to this years underpants run
Our attire - aiden joined me and took the shirt off
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