What a great, great, week it was! I can't believe that Christmas 2013 has come and gone.
Training was very so-so this week. I took three full days off, and do not regret that one bit. My injured foot was a bit sore after 54 running miles in the A5's last week, so I intentionally backed off. I had 3 bikes on the trainer that were all pretty awesome. I oddly don't think that I have lost that much power in the 10 weeks that I took completely off the bike after Kona. I was able to hold a 210 watt average for a 70 minute ride on the trainer fairly easily - this surprised me a ton.
Build on Colin, build on. You've got the base - now it's time to do something with it.
In the more important events of the week - Christmas and all of the celebrations that surrounded it were nothing short of awesome. Three years old proved to be full of amazing and magical times. Aiden really surprised me and made me such a proud father - minimal fits, and maximal thank you's and hugs on Christmas day. This kid has a great heart.
So many reasons to be thankful this year... It was a great way to start wrapping up 2013 and start looking forward to 2014!
Swim: 0
Bike: 3.5 hours/74 miles
Run: 30.2 miles
The week in pictures
Beth and Lynn (MIL) assembling Aidens kitchen set from Santa |
Ken and I played a little guitar/singalong carols on Christmas night. |
Aiden on Christmas night. I followed very close after - Should have slowed down on the beer/wine/everything else. |
More or less of where I will prep the bike over the winter. Much nicer than last years spot. |
My Mom and Dad's Christmas tree at my parents |
Christmas dinner on the 23rd with my in-laws and parents |
A picture from when I was probably like 10. I found it on the 23rd - thought it would be something good to show to Aiden |
Christmas Eve service |
Theme song of the holidays - I think I will tone it down over the coming years - I realized that I am 30. |
Christmas morning at my parents |
Merry christmas to me. I am that dude who wants a disc wheel for the holidays. I'm hoping this assists me in my ultimate goal for the 2014 season. |
After christmas at our house, then christmas at my parents house, we were on to the third present exchange of the day at my In-Laws place in Longmont. |
Trying to break a duck wishbone unsuccessfully |
We finished up christmas on Saturday with my sister and her family at my parents. This is my son with niece, Autumn, and nephew, River. |
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