I took the first full week off after IMTX with the exception of a four mile run and a 40ish mile ride. I also had only one week left of work at Longs Peak Middle School, thus I am experiencing what summer break is all about (again)! Being unemployed in the summer has been good.
After Texas, I have also been dealing with a busted up left achilles tendon that had me scared to say the least. I have eased back up to a 45+ mile run week and things keep getting better, so for this I am very hopeful that it will keep healing. I was initially worried about getting myself healed enough to race IM Boulder, then IM Louisville (Kentucky) 3 weeks after Boulder - but I am very confident that I will be good to go in seven (then 10) weeks time.
The weekly training log for last week will be back starting tomorrow through the rest of the summer. I'm feeling pretty good about things to say the least.
Here are some pics from the last month or so.
After Texas, I switched to the new Cervelo P3 model. New bike, same rider = a little faster? It's all in the head - but hey.
This is my son and my niece a few days before my favorite day of the year in Boulder. Memorial day weekend is the definition of awesome in my city.
BolderBoulder was a different experience this year. With a bad achilles strain, I wasn't even going to run it. I decided that I would last minute - and take it VERY easy. It's the first time I have not raced it all out in years.
My sister and wife put together an amazingly great surprise birthday party for Mom's 60th. Even though she turned 60 last September, this was perfect. One way for someone to never suspect a surprise party is to throw it months after the fact.
Many, many good beers at the Left Hand Brewing Co - The location of this great party. Oh - This is my sister Erin and me.
More party. My nephew, River, looking at more cake.
Some very important women. Mom, Holly, and Susan. All were mothers of kids I grew up with and are extended family to say the least.
Beth, me, Kyle, and Erin
We had to find a way to make sure that this kid finished the Bolder Boulder. I fully expect him to walk/run the whole thing next year @ 4.5 years of age. 3 and a half might have been pushing it this year.
So I did the race in the "A" wave then made it back to the start to meet up with my family who was planning on walking it. Yes, I did the race in a Speedo this year.
I will forever be doing this race in this speedo from now on. You are welcome Boulder.
My intentions were to walk a little ways with everyone. Nope - I did the Bolder Boulder not once in a speedo, but twice in one day.
Beer can chicken for our annual post BolderBoulder BBQ/Beer drinking event thanks to my awesome father in law, Tom.
Beth (my lovely wife) turned 37 (ahem) I mean 25 a few days after that. We had an awesome dinner at the Cork to celebrate.
Aiden. The kid likes to swim.
Aiden. The kid likes to be a badass.
Aiden had his last day of school a week and a half back - We went and did a picnic lunch and played around for a bit. He drove his nice bike up to us breaking some rules of the playground.
My awesome little wiener dog named Sky turned 8 years old on the 6th. Yes, he was born on 6/6/06. Though he sometimes acts like a little devil, I will credit him for making me realize what was really important in life while I struggled with addiction and other issues eight years ago. He is the reason my life turned around. No joke and Im not exaggerating one bit.
Thanks Sky! Oh, and this was his weight watchers birthday cake.
Finally - Beth and I went up to Blackhawk for a day/night of drinking, eating, and gambling two weekends back. The woman won 450 bucks playing blackjack. Way to go Beth - that's like a really big chunk of my paycheck.
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