Enough said about that. Working in schools for the past few years has been awesome in the fact that I have summers off. The thing that sucks about that is that summer vacation always comes to an end. Pardon me while I go cry in a corner for a few.
BUT, there is something different about this year. I am back working at Longs Peak Middle School and I am working in the same building as my wife for the first time. This is AWESOME. Seeing your spouse and partner in life throughout the day can be nothing but good for communication. It's also nice when you see that damn fine lady at your workplace and realize that it's your wife. win win.
My parents owned a business together and worked at the same location my whole life. I am guessing that some of the success in their relationship/marriage is due to the fact that they were physically close and were on the same page about issues throughout life.
So yeah.... Back to work and back to managing time a little more effectively. Four a.m. alarms started again this past week.
Another huge thing that happened is that my sister, brother in law, and three kids (nieces and nephews) moved to Colorado. This makes me SO amazingly happy. Being able to have them close is going to be a lot of fun.
In Training: I realized a few things while in the Tetons a few weeks back. Here they are:
1.) Triathlon is a true passion of mine. It's what I like to do, and I want to make a living in the sport one way or another. I don't care if it's racing, selling product, or coaching. I love this sport and will commit myself to making connections that will help me make a living being part of the sport I love.
2.) I have the emotional, physical, and family support to do #1. Awesome. I already knew this though.
3.) Training can be balanced with life, but no matter how you balance it, there is a huge cost at racing and training at this level. When I go on "vacation," the whole family naturally adjusts to let me get in the work that I need to. Not going to lie - this sucks. Is it worth it? Yes, at this point in life it is. I know that will end sometime, but for now I just have to be thankful to be able to do this.
4.) I'm tired. Not like I am burned out... I just feel like I need a break. I am planning on racing Chattanooga, then a few more halves. I think IM AZ might be out for the year. I am already getting excited to start next spring at Oceanside and IM Texas.
5.) My future is in sports.
Training has been going well. Numbers and fitness is there and after two unstructured weeks, I feel ready to make a push for a good race in Chattanooga. Time to hit it hard for a few weeks.
Weekly Totals
Swim: 2,000 yds - Week off swimming before I hit back hard
Bike: 215ish miles (mostly on trainer)
Run: 33.7 miles
Dinner in Longmont last Friday. It is awesome seeing this and knowing my sister and family live so close now.
Aiden. Nope, not a fit! He fell asleep like this on Saturday.
Walking back from our neighborhood pool.
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