Saturday, we had planned on seeing my sister to hang out in the afternoon, and then get dinner together at Sherpa's - a great Nepalese/Indian restaurant in Boulder. Erin, Kyle, and the kids walked in towards the end of the Michigan v Michigan St. game that afternoon and we caught the end all together. Beth played four years of D1 soccer at Michigan St, thus I am a Michigan State fan. The game looked like it was going to be the first loss in a while until the most amazing finish I have ever seen. If you didn't catch that game, or hear about it, go check it out.
I had some good training sessions Sunday, then I took Aiden to see "Goosebumps." I think it was the first time I have take him to see a movie alone. I loved it and I look forward to many more movie dates with my kid.
In Training: Swimming is still lacking, but I don't really feel as though I have lost much fitness in the pool. My stroke feels fine and I am able to hit 10 x 100's on 1:15 pretty comfortably. I am not making gains, but not losing much either. I need to get to some 5am RallySport swim workouts throughout this winter as I plan on tackling the swim and making gains in the water for next season.
Bike and run remained as a lot of time spent indoors on my trainer and treadmill.
Four weeks until IM Arizona, then "off season." I have already switched to off-season mode, and am looking VERY forward to my first full pro season next year.
Weekly Totals
Swim: 6,450yds
Bike: 215.5 miles - Trainer work, lots of TSS
Run: 29.4 miles
Michigan vs Michigan St. game 2015 - I'll remember this
Autumn (niece) came with us on Saturday down to dinner - She is a fun little girl
A Zoltar machine re-done. I have seen so many of these recently
Sunrise Sunday
Movie with Aiden - Sunday afternoon
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