I started my "week #1" this year right after January first. I was in Maui with my family over the holidays (parents living there) and spent the first full week on the island. All the riding was done outside, and more than half of the runs were outside as well. I had put in a 54 mile run week previous to the first week listed, thus was a bit fatigued on the run going into the first week listed. I still pulled off close to 50 miles that week. The swim was minimal and I aimed to focus on that once back in Colorado.
I landed in Colorado on January 9th after an overnight where I was able to get exactly zero sleep. I ended up taking that day off of training, then getting in some pretty intense trainer workouts in the days after that. I also made swimming a priority in week two and was consistent in getting in the pool, though not for many long workouts.
In week three, I swam very well. I started feeling MUCH better and more efficient in the water. We (the CAC masters swim group) did a 2,000m time trial swim on Thursday, January 19th - My goal was to go under 28 minutes. I was 28:01. This is a good starting point, and I will aim to be around a 26:30 in another month and a half. I am noticing drastic improvement in feel for the water and overall speed in this second week of swim focused training. I'm looking to get in 20k in the pool every week for the next 8 - 10 weeks. Call it a swim focus if you like, I am just enjoying swimming for the first time in over ten years.
So there we go - I didn't post much about life in this one as I wanted to catch up with the basics of where I have been training-wise over the past few weeks. Look for these to come out every week with my totals. If there in any other information that you think would be fun to know, let me know in the comments and I will add stuff.
I'm looking forward to being as public and open about this as I can. What I am doing right now is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Good times ahead.
Quick notes on my training numbers: The training time listed is MOVING TIME ONLY. I start/stop my watch (Garmin 735xt) every time I stop peddling, running, and at the wall during swims. I also calculate my bike milage based on a 22 - 24mph average. Much of my training is, and will be done on a trainer, and I calculate the approx speed based on the wattage it takes to ride a certain speed outside.
Weekly Totals: Week #1 - By the Numbers - Week of Jan. 2
Swim: 6,436 yds
Bike: 193 miles
Run: 47.3 miles
Total TSS: 1,034.7
Hours: 16:01
Days Off: 0
Weekly Totals: Week #2 - By the Numbers - Week of Jan. 9
Swim: 11,292 yds
Bike: 6:15 = 147 miles
Run: 21.7 miles
Total TSS: 869.3
Hours: 11:21
Days Off: 1
Weekly Totals: Week #3 - By the Numbers - Week of Jan 16
Swim: 19,025 yds
Bike: 7:15 = 170.4 miles
Run: 23.5 miles
Other: Ski + 1.5 hours
Total TSS: 1,045.6
Hours: 15:45
Days Off: 0
As usual, I will post some pictures from the past few weeks in every training log.
As usual, I will post some pictures from the past few weeks in every training log.
My father and son playing on Kapalua Bay beach
Went out to dinner on New Years with these fine ladies - Sister Erin and wife Beth
My parents with all the grandchildren
Landing back in Denver - First week of January
The bump is there - Baby #2 coming in July
My pool - I love this place. CAC is the first swim squad that I have gotten to love since my college days
Aiden's typical Monday PM - Soccer
Skiing with my sister last Sunday
I was able to go up for an extra run with the dude. I was extremely impressed with what he's able to do on skis. He has been taking lessons at Eldora for the past two seasons.
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