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Thoughts from a father, husband, son, Boulder native pro triathlete, coach, and optimist.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Weekly Training Log: Week of January 19th 2015 - First Structured Training Week of the New Year

This was my first week of structured training towards my races of the 2015 season.  My plan is to put in a high amount of work on the bike over the next few weeks and to reel back my running.  Im aiming to hit 600+TSS on the bike every week for the next three to four weeks while keeping the run at or below 40 miles/week.

Over this off season, I have already raised my FTP quite a bit from the last year and I'm really excited to see where that puts me in races.  My FTP was about 270w last year at this time, and I am at about 290 - 295w now.  I am thinking that a sub 4:40 or possibly sub 4:35 112 mile bike split may be in my near future.

My swim continues to be basically non-existant, but enough to keep a feel for the water.  I have not swam at all during the past winters and I am enjoying my small amount of time in the water this year.  I am hoping that by keeping a very small amount of swimming, it will make it really easy to get back into swim shape when I need to.

Swim: 2,300 yards (nothing really - enough to keep a feel for the water)
Bike: 613 TSS/8 hours 
Run: 33.1 miles

Did a treadmill half marathon - for no reason at all

Aiden and I went on some random errands, then to the Boulder Humane Society on Sunday.

My typical 4:30am workout done

At Home Depot on Sunday - We are looking at replacing the carpeting that we have on our stairs and upstairs at our house.

Aiden has a new Hawaiian friend

I have been able to take the dude to Swimming on Thursday nights.  We are going to have him swim on a pre-team this summer.  He is getting pretty darned good in the water.